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How do I connect Fable Face with Fable Hub?

Step 1:
Install the Fable Face app from the app store (for Android or iPhone).
Step 2:
Connect the Fable Hub to a PC or laptop.
Step 3:
Activate Bluetooth on your phone.
Step 4:
Start the Fable Face app.
Step 5:
The Fable Face app should now find your Hub. Select your Hub by ID and tap connect.
Step 6:
Once the Face App connects to the Fable Hub it will display a set of eyes which can be programmed.

Sometimes there are issues with the Fable Face App, for example the app cannot find any Bluetooth devices or it will not connect to the Fable Hub. If you experience such problems please try the following:

  1. Close and restart the app
  2. Turn off Bluetooth and turn it back on shortly after
  3. Remove power from the Hub by plugging it out, then plug it back in.
  4. Make sure you have the newest version of the App
  5. (Android only) Go to Settings > Apps > Fable Face > Permissions and make sure the Location permission is granted.

If the problems persist please contact us on support@shaperobotics.com and let us know which Phone model and version of operating system you are using.