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Looking to level up your lessons?

Win Top edu-tech tools for teachers & students!

Enter the essay competition until December 5th to win amazing edu-tech tools
that engage your students & elevate your classes.

Discover the
amazing prizes

1st Place

Plan your classes easier with a brand new Laptop from Lenovo: The ThinkBook 15 G2 ITL

1 Laptop Lenovo
ThinkBook 15 G2 ITL

2nd Place

Level up your classes with Fable Explore and engage your students with the large variety of creative activities you can plan with the modular robot.

The awesome FABLE explore & 1 Motorola Moto e7i

3rd Place

Use the starter kit to teach your students about current, voltage, and digital logic as well as the fundamentals of programming in a fun and experiential way! 

1 Arduino StarterKit & 1 motorola Moto e7i

Competition Rule-set

The Competition is open to active teaching staff from pre-university and university educational institutions, both public and private, from any country. If you win, you will need to be able to prove your professional status in order to claim the prize.


Choose Your Essay

Each participant may choose only one chosen topic out of the available two:
Topic 1: From Dropout to Diploma: Is Technology the Key to Solving School Retention Issues? Topic 2: AI: Friend or Foe? Exploring the True Impact of Artificial Intelligence.


Essay Validation Criteria

The essay have to be written in english. The essay should be no more than 1,000 words, formatted as a Word document, using Times New Roman font, size 11, with 1.5 line spacing and justified alignment. Essays that do not adhere to the specified format will not be taken into consideration. Each participant may submit only one essay on a single chosen topic.


Submit your Essay

You need to submit your essay on one of the two topics available by 05.12.2024, time 23:59. Essays that are sent after 23:59 on 05.12.2024 will not be taken into consideration. After submission, all participants shall receive a confirmation e-mail from Shape Robotics.

step 04

You Consent to have Your Data

By submitting your essay in the competition you automatically consent that you agree to have your data processed for the purposes of the Competition.

15 december 2024

Essay Assessment &
Winner Announcement

The jury appointed by Shape Robotics will asses and announce the essays ranked 1st, 2nd, and 3rd on 15.12.2024.

By participating in the Competition, participants understand and accept that the result announced by the jury is final and not subject to appeal or other forms of challenge.

Winners will be officially announced by Shape Robotics on the Competition Page and will be contacted by Shape Robotics team via email and phone.

The process TIMELINE

Submit your essay to enroll!

Unleash your creativity and enroll for the chance to win top edu-tech tools that will elevate your classes!

Essay submission timeline

Jury essays assesement

Winners announcement

Submit your essay
in the form below

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